Monday, February 21, 2011

Book Review Blog 2011

Good Afternoon Year 7 English Students,
After reading the assessment criteria for the Book Review assignment, you'll realize that you need to complete two entries to this blog. The first is based upon your research into which websites you have found useful (or not so useful) along with a short critique explaining your opinion. The second entry is a response to the post of some else in the class after visiting the site mentioned in their original entry.

Remember to ensure that your comments are both honest and polite when reviewing the opinions of others in your class.

Also remember to check back with the original assessment sheet to ensure you understand the assigned task.

Last hint, construct your entry in MS Word, edit it, and then post it as your grammar and spelling are also being checked in this exercise. On completion of your entry, sign off with your first name and initial (as your user name may confuse some people in the classroom).

Mr K